Dominant culture
- The dominant culture in a society refers to the established language, religion, values, rituals, and social customs.
- By its dominance can control the social institutions such as communication, educational institutions, artistic expression, law, political process and business.
- In multicultural society, various cultures are celebrated and respected equally.
Sub culture.
- Sub culture is a group of people with a culture, which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong.
- Sub culture is a segment of society that shares a special patterns of mores ,folk ways, values that differs from the large society.
- In a sens a sub culture can be though of as a culture excisting withing a larger, dominant culture.
Counter culture.
- When a sub culture conspicuousty and deliberately oppose certain aspects of the larger culture it is known as a counter culture.
- Which means a culture totally different from the larger culture in many aspects.
- Counter culture typically thrive among the young.
- Eg: Hippies dropped out of main stream social institution.
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